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Process Command

• top command
The top program provides a dynamic real-time view of a running system.
# top
• dig is useful for network troubleshooting and for educational purposes.
# dig pts/1
• ps command to find out what processes are running on your system.
# ps -ef
# ps -e
-e to display all the processes.
-f to display full format listing.
• Kill : We mostly use the kill command for terminating or killing a process.
#Listing all the signal names.
# kill -l
• The mount command mounts a storage device or filesystem, making it
accessible and attaching it to an
# bg
Run any command like top then
bg %1 — Move the 1st active job to background.
• fg = continues a stopped job by running it in the foreground
fg – Typing fg alone will resume the first job were it was left off.
fg %1 – specifying the job (in this case 1) will resume that particular job. The
job id can be determined by running bg
Then kill %1 and see
jobs command : View all the background jobs
1. You can list out the background jobs with the command jobs.
2. Lists the status of all running jobs.
# jobs
Display lists process IDs (PIDs) only
# jobs -p
display only jobs that have stopped?
jobs -s
Communication Command
• Finger : finger looks up and displays information about system users.
• Talk : Chat with other logged-in users.
• Mesg : The mesg command allows you control write access to your terminal
by other users.
mesg syntax
mesg [n|y]
n - Prevents the display of terminal messages from other users.
This is like using a "do not disturb" sign.
Y - Allows messages to be displayed on your screen.
• Wall : Send a message to all logged-in users.
• Write: Send a message to another user.
• Mailx : Send and receive mail.


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