1. Write a program to calculate average temperature of five days.Create temp() function . 2. Write a program that uses recursive function fibo() thatgenerates a Fibonacci series containing N elements. 3. Write a program that uses a recursive function fact() that findsthe factorial of a given number N. 4. Program to find if the given no. is prime or not. The functionshould accept the number as argument and return if the no. isprime or not. 5. Write a function that accepts an array of integer values. Thefunction should find the number which divides all the othernumbers. 6. Write a user-defined function to perform Square of a number 7. Write a user-defined function to perform Area of a number 8. Write a user-defined function to perform Reverse the number 9. Write a program that uses a function to check whether anentered three digit number is palindrome or not. 10. Write a program to calculate the result of following with recursive calls offunction. 11. Simple interset with usin...