1. Calculate the area by using an interface in JAVA by Using Child Class Object OR Using Interface Object. 2. How to create User-Defined Packages & Use of the Import Statement in JAVA. 3. Finds Sum & Average using Interface in JAVA. 4. start() Method & join() Method in Multithreading in JAVA.(Three threads should calculate the sum of 1 to 5, 6 to 10 and 11 to 15) 5. Throw custom exception RangeException and handle it in JAVA. 6. Threads using Runnable interface & java.lang.Thread.sleep method.(Calculate the sum of 1 to 5, 6 to 10 and 11 to 15) 7. Draws a circle & Radius of the circle should be passed as a parameter and filled with random color using applet in JAVA. 8. Applet that take three numbers as parameters and displays their sum and average in JAVA. 9. Circle divided in 4 equal part in JAVA Applet. 10. Circle divided in 6 equal parts in JAVA Applet. 11. Circle divided in 8 equal part,each part is 45 degree in JAVA Applet. 12. Different Types of Des...