1. Print even number up to 10 using while loop. 2. Check whether the given number is even or odd. 3. Calculator using switch statement. 4. Create an array to store 5 integer values and display the array Elements in reverse order. 5. Print Prime Numbers contained by the Array in JAVA. 6. Store Six Random characters in Array & copy 2 to 4 index values to another Array with same index. 7. Sort a Integer Array. 8. A String Display each character on separate line in Reverse order in JAVA.(accepts a string from users and display each character on separate line in reverse order in JAVA) 9. Sort a String Array in JAVA.(Create a string array and sort all the string contained by the array in JAVA) 10. Palindrome String in JAVA.(check whether the string is a palindrome or not in JAVA.) 11. Manipulating Character in JAVA.(UpperCase | isLowercase | toUppercase | toLowerCase | isLetterOrDigit | isWhitespace in JAVA) 12. Ar...