1.Print even number up to 10 using while loop.
2.Check whether the given number is even or odd.
3.Calculator using switch statement.
4.Create an array to store 5 integer values and display the array Elements in reverse order.
5.Print Prime Numbers contained by the Array in JAVA.
6.Store Six Random characters in Array & copy 2 to 4 index values to another Array with same index.
7.Sort a Integer Array.
8.A String Display each character on separate line in Reverse order in JAVA.(accepts a string from users and display each character on separate line in reverse order in JAVA)
9.Sort a String Array in JAVA.(Create a string array and sort all the string contained by the array in JAVA)
10.Palindrome String in JAVA.(check whether the string is a palindrome or not in JAVA.)
11.Manipulating Character in JAVA.(UpperCase | isLowercase | toUppercase | toLowerCase | isLetterOrDigit | isWhitespace in JAVA)
12.Array Class in JAVA | Using Array Class in JAVA.(Arrays.fill | Arrays.sort | Arrays.equals | Arrays.binarySearch in JAVA)
13.equals() method & equalsIgnoreCase() method in JAVA.
14.Compare() method in JAVA.(Different return value compare two different string in JAVA)
15.length method vs length() method in Java.(Different Type to use length & length() in String & Array in JAVA)
16.indexOf() method in JAVA.(Four different ways to use indexOf() in JAVA)
17.CharAt() method & setCharAt() method in JAVA.
18.endsWith() method & startsWith() method in java.
19.replace() method in Java.(three types of use replace() method in JAVA.replace(),replaceFirst(),replacrAll())
20.toString() method in JAVA.(Different ways to use toString() method in JAVA)
21.substring() method in JAVA.
22.Swipe Number without third variable and without arithmetic operator in JAVA.
23.Find Second highest Number in JAVA.(Number is declare before in program.)
24.Find Second highest Number in JAVA.(n number take from user)
25.Ontime Sort in JAVA.(My logic)
26.Sorting Three Number in JAVA.(without inbuilt function).
27.Sorting Four Number in JAVA.(without inbuilt function).
28.Simple Logic of Prime Number in JAVA.
29.Simple Logic of Reverse Number in JAVA.
30.Calculator in JAVA and all arithmetic function and Math Sqrt,Math pow,Math log functions in JAVA.
31.Bank Application in JAVA.
32.Find GCD in JAVA.
2.Check whether the given number is even or odd.
3.Calculator using switch statement.
4.Create an array to store 5 integer values and display the array Elements in reverse order.
5.Print Prime Numbers contained by the Array in JAVA.
6.Store Six Random characters in Array & copy 2 to 4 index values to another Array with same index.
7.Sort a Integer Array.
8.A String Display each character on separate line in Reverse order in JAVA.(accepts a string from users and display each character on separate line in reverse order in JAVA)
9.Sort a String Array in JAVA.(Create a string array and sort all the string contained by the array in JAVA)
10.Palindrome String in JAVA.(check whether the string is a palindrome or not in JAVA.)
11.Manipulating Character in JAVA.(UpperCase | isLowercase | toUppercase | toLowerCase | isLetterOrDigit | isWhitespace in JAVA)
12.Array Class in JAVA | Using Array Class in JAVA.(Arrays.fill | Arrays.sort | Arrays.equals | Arrays.binarySearch in JAVA)
13.equals() method & equalsIgnoreCase() method in JAVA.
14.Compare() method in JAVA.(Different return value compare two different string in JAVA)
15.length method vs length() method in Java.(Different Type to use length & length() in String & Array in JAVA)
16.indexOf() method in JAVA.(Four different ways to use indexOf() in JAVA)
17.CharAt() method & setCharAt() method in JAVA.
18.endsWith() method & startsWith() method in java.
19.replace() method in Java.(three types of use replace() method in JAVA.replace(),replaceFirst(),replacrAll())
20.toString() method in JAVA.(Different ways to use toString() method in JAVA)
21.substring() method in JAVA.
22.Swipe Number without third variable and without arithmetic operator in JAVA.
23.Find Second highest Number in JAVA.(Number is declare before in program.)
24.Find Second highest Number in JAVA.(n number take from user)
25.Ontime Sort in JAVA.(My logic)
26.Sorting Three Number in JAVA.(without inbuilt function).
27.Sorting Four Number in JAVA.(without inbuilt function).
28.Simple Logic of Prime Number in JAVA.
29.Simple Logic of Reverse Number in JAVA.
30.Calculator in JAVA and all arithmetic function and Math Sqrt,Math pow,Math log functions in JAVA.
31.Bank Application in JAVA.
32.Find GCD in JAVA.
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