1. Create simple XML document template to describe a Books with book title, author name & publication.2. Create an XML document template to describe the result of student in an examination. The description should includethe student's roll number, name, three subject names and marks, total marks, percentage, and result.
3. Suppose we want to store information regarding in Prescribed format in XML. For example.
4. Write a program to demonstrate comment of XML.
5. Create External DTD declaration for BOOKs XML document.(Element type declaration)
6. Create an internal DTD for Employee XML document.
7. Well-formed, but not valid document.
8. Well-formed and Valid Document.
9. Not well-formed, but valid document.
10. Not Well-formed and not valid document.
1.Write a program to implement the concept of Sequence,occurrences and choices in DTD.2.Write a program to describe Empty, Any and Mixed content in DTD.
3.Write a program to describe Attribute declaration in DTD.(Default, String, Tokenized, Enumerated)
4.Write a program to demonstrate conditional sections in DTD.
5.Write a program which describe XML document and corresponding Schema.(for simple types)
6.Write a program which describes XML document and corresponding Schema (for Complex type).
7.Write a program which describes XML document and corresponding Schema (use of minoccurs, maxoccurs attribute).
8.Write an XML schema and show the corresponding XML document for credit card.
9.Write a program to show the corresponding XSLT document which convert XML document into HTML format.
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