1.C Program to Sort the Array in an Ascending Order.2.C Program to Sort the Array in an descending Order.
1.Linear Search in C program.SORTING
1.Alphabetical Sort in C program.2.Bubble Sort in C program.
3.Selection Sort using function in C program.
4.Insertion Sort using function in C program.
5.Merge Sort using function in C program.
6.Quick Sort using function in C program.
7.Cocktail Sort in C program.
8.Gnome Sort in C program.
9.Heap Sort in C program.
10.Shell Sort in C program.
1.Singly Linked List to implement Insertions,Deletions,Traversal,Splitting,Merging,Counting Node & Sorting in C program.2.Doubly Linked List to implement Insertions,Deletions,Traversal,Splitting,Merging,Counting Node & Sorting in C program.
1.Stack Array to implement Push, Pop, Peep & Update operations.2.Linked Stack to implement Push, Pop, Peep & Update operations.
3.Evaluation of Postfix expression using Stack in C program.
4.Infix expression into Postfix expression using Stack in C program.(parentheses).
5.Sort the Stack using Recursions.
6.Reverse the String using the Stack.
1.Queue Array to implement Enqueue,Dequeue & Traversal in C program.2.Linked Queue to implement Enqueue,Dequeue & Traversal in C program.
3.Circular Queue to implement Enqueue,Dequeue & Traversal using Linked list in C program.
1.Binary Search Tree using Linked List to implement Creation,Insertion & Traversal(In-order,Pre-order,Post-order).GRAPH
1.Write a program to implement BFS traversal Of a graph in C program.2.Write a program to implement DFS traversal Of a graph in C program.
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