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HTML DOM childNodes & children Property in JAVA SCRIPT

Definition and Usage childNodes..
The childNodes property returns a collection of a node's child nodes, as a NodeList object.
The nodes in the collection are sorted as they appear in the source code and can be accessed by index numbers. The index starts at 0.
Note: Whitespace inside elements is considered as text, and text is considered as nodes. Comments are also considered as nodes.
Tip: You can use the length property of the NodeList object to determine the number of child nodes, then you can loop through all child nodes and extract the info you want.
This property is read-only.
Tip: To return a collection of a node's element nodes (excluding text and comment nodes), use the children property.
Return Value:A NodeList object, representing a collection of nodes. The nodes in the returned collection are sorted as they appear in the source code.
Syntax: element.childNodes

Definition and Usage children..
The children property returns a collection of an element's child elements, as an HTMLCollection object.
The elements in the collection are sorted as they appear in the source code and can be accessed by index numbers. The index starts at 0.
Tip: You can use the length property of the HTMLCollection object to determine the number of child elements, then you can loop through all children and extract the info you want.
The difference between this property and childNodes, is that childNodes contain all nodes, including text nodes and comment nodes, while children only contain element nodes.
Note: The children property is fully supported in IE6 to IE8. However, in these versions, it returns element nodes AND comment nodes. IE9+ returns only element nodes.
Syntax: element.children
Differents way how to declare childNodes & children Property in program.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body><!-- comment node -->
<p>Click the button get info about the body element's child nodes.</p>

<button onclick="info()">VIEW</button>

<p><strong>Note:</strong> Whitespace inside elements is considered as text, and text
is considered as nodes. Comments are also considered as nodes.</p>

<p id="p"></p>
function info() {
    var c = document.body.childNodes;//also declare dedocument.body.children;
    var info="";
    for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
        info +=  c[i].nodeName + "<br>";
    document.getElementById("p").innerHTML = info + c.length + " Tag in body.";
    c[4].style.backgroundColor = "yellow";


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