Create an Invoice application in which user enters the customer name, description, unit price and quantity for the item ordered, then clicks the add item button. The application calculates the order total by multiplying the unit price by the quantity. And calculates a discount based on the order total. The user can then add another item to the order by using all information.
Public Class Form1
Private amt As Double = 0
Private Sub CalculateTotal(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox3.TextChanged, TextBox4.TextChanged
TextBox5.Text = Val(TextBox3.Text) * Val(TextBox4.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub OnClickAddItemButton(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles AddItem.Click
GroupBox1.Enabled = True
CustName.Text = TextBox1.Text
desclabel.Text += TextBox3.Text & vbTab & TextBox2.Text & "(" & TextBox4.Text & ")" & vbNewLine
amt += Val(TextBox5.Text)
totallabel.Text = amt
TextBox1.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub discountFunction()
If amt > 2000 And amt <= 5000 Then
Discountlabel.Text = "-" & amt * 5 / 1000
ElseIf amt > 5000 And amt <= 20000 Then
Discountlabel.Text = "-" & amt * 10 / 100
ElseIf amt > 20000 Then
Discountlabel.Text = "-" & amt * 15 / 100
Discountlabel.Text = 0
End If
Amountlabel.Text = amt - Val(Discountlabel.Text)
End Sub
End Class
DESIGNINGPrivate amt As Double = 0
Private Sub CalculateTotal(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox3.TextChanged, TextBox4.TextChanged
TextBox5.Text = Val(TextBox3.Text) * Val(TextBox4.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub OnClickAddItemButton(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles AddItem.Click
GroupBox1.Enabled = True
CustName.Text = TextBox1.Text
desclabel.Text += TextBox3.Text & vbTab & TextBox2.Text & "(" & TextBox4.Text & ")" & vbNewLine
amt += Val(TextBox5.Text)
totallabel.Text = amt
TextBox1.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub discountFunction()
If amt > 2000 And amt <= 5000 Then
Discountlabel.Text = "-" & amt * 5 / 1000
ElseIf amt > 5000 And amt <= 20000 Then
Discountlabel.Text = "-" & amt * 10 / 100
ElseIf amt > 20000 Then
Discountlabel.Text = "-" & amt * 15 / 100
Discountlabel.Text = 0
End If
Amountlabel.Text = amt - Val(Discountlabel.Text)
End Sub
End Class
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