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1. Write a program to display contents of file on the screen. The program should ask for file name. Display the contents in capital case. 2. Write a program to find size of the file. 3. Write a program to combine contents of two files in a third file. Add line number at the beginning of each line. 4. Write a program to display number 1 to 100. Redirect the output of the program to text file. 5. Write a program to write contents of one file in reverse into another file. 6. Write a program to count number of lines, words and characters in a file. 7. Write a program to create a file called dictionary. dat that contains the information such as Name, Surname, City and Phone number. Write a program to accept a City from user and list details of persons having the given city. 8. Write a program to copy one file to another. While doing so,all extra spaces in a file should be squeezed to one. For eg. If a file contains line “I am learning C”, it should be converted to “I am lea...


1. Write a program to define structure with tag state with fieldsstate name, number of districts and total population. Read anddisplay the data. 2. Write a program to create a list of books details. The details ofa book include title, author, publisher, publishing year, numberof pages, and price. 3. Define a structure called Item with members : Item_code,Item_name, Price. Create an array of five Items. Create afunction which accepts the Item array and modifies eachelement with an increase of 10% in the price. 4. Define a structure to represent a date. Use your structures that accept two different dates in the format mm dd of the same year. Write a C program to display the month names of both dates. 5. Define a structure that can describe a Hotel. It should have members that include name, address, grade, room charges,grade and no of rooms. Write a function to print out all hotel details with room charges less than a given value. 6. Write a program to accept records of different s...