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1. Write a JavaScript to display hello world. 2 Write a JavaScript program that display the use of multiline Comment. 3 Write JavaScript to demonstrate the use of different dialogue boxes. For example: write massages good morning, good bye etc, take value from alert, confirmation for any operation. 4 Write a JavaScript program to calculate area of circle.(3.14*r*r) 5 Write a JavaScript program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.((x*1.8)+32) 6 Write a JavaScript program to find factorial of a number. 7 Write a JavaScript program to find square and cube of number using function. 8 Write a JavaScript program to calculate multiplication table. 9 Write a JavaScript program to calculate simple Interest(p*r*n/100). 10 Write a JavaScript program to find prime number . 11 Write a JavaScript program to validate a form which consist of name, Age, address, email id, hobby(checkbox), gender(radio button), country (dropdown) 12 Create one form in which username must be 10 characte...

Packages, Multithreading, Applets and Graphics in JAVA

1. Calculate the area by using an interface in JAVA by Using Child Class Object OR Using Interface Object. 2. How to create User-Defined Packages & Use of the Import Statement in JAVA. 3. Finds Sum & Average using Interface in JAVA. 4. start() Method & join() Method in Multithreading in JAVA.(Three threads should calculate the sum of 1 to 5, 6 to 10 and 11 to 15) 5. Throw custom exception RangeException and handle it in JAVA. 6. Threads using Runnable interface & java.lang.Thread.sleep method.(Calculate the sum of 1 to 5, 6 to 10 and 11 to 15) 7. Draws a circle & Radius of the circle should be passed as a parameter and filled with random color using applet in JAVA. 8. Applet that take three numbers as parameters and displays their sum and average in JAVA. 9. Circle divided in 4 equal part in JAVA Applet. 10. Circle divided in 6 equal parts in JAVA Applet. 11. Circle divided in 8 equal part,each part is 45 degree in JAVA Applet. 12. Different Types of Des...

Menu,Input Dialog,Message Dialog,Procedures,Functions and Arrays in VB.NET

1. Subroutine of function(Avg.,Max,Min) in VB.NET. 2. Function in VB.NET | Returning from a Function in VB.NET.(function adds to find addition of numbers selected using radiobuttons) 3. Click on first picture it will hide itself and shows second one picture in VB.NET. 4. Sub routine Check odd or Even and Function of Factorial of number in VB.NET. 5. Prime Number or not using function in VB.NET. 6. Write a Program to Implement a MDI application. It should have File menu with option New, Close, Close All and Exit. It should also have window menu to arrange the child forms like Tile Horizontal, Tile Vertical, Cascade and Arrange Icons in VB.NET. 7. Text Editor in VB.NET.(Create a text editor application. It should perform operation like cut, copy, paste and change in font, color of the selected text.) 8. Sort Int Array and String Array using Function in VB.NET. 9. Find minimum and maximum Number in Array using Function in VB.NET. ...

Exception Handling and Inheritance in JAVA

1. Sum of digits of given numbers with exception handling in JAVA.(Default Throw & Defined Exception Handling) 2. Throw in JAVA | User Defined Exception Handling in JAVA | Our Throw Our Catch Exception Handling in JAVA.(The length of the string is not according to given one then throw the user defined LengthMatchException and handles it appropriately) 3. Simple Logic of lowest and second lowest number in JAVA.(Display lowest and second lowest number & handle the different exceptions possible to be thrown during execution) 4. OddException in JAVA.(5 even numbers from command line & If any of the number is odd then throw custom exception OddException in JAVA and Count Invalid Number) 5. The string is not equal to Another String then throw custom exception "no match exception" in JAVA. 6. Inheritance, Super Class , Sub Class in JAVA.(Employee class, which contains fields such as name and designation. And a subclass, which contains a field salary. Write a progra...


Building an simple application in the environment with form, textbox, label, numeric up down and button Working with Variables, Constants, Data types and Expressions Decision Making, Repetition and multiple forms Menus,common Dialogs,Procedures,Functions and Arrays in VB.NET Object Oriented Programming in VB.NET Advanced Controls in VB.NET

Decision Making, Repetition and multiple forms in VB.NET

1. fibonacci series simple logic | Fibonacci series up to 100 | Fibonacci series in VB.NET. 2. Prime Number in VB.NET.| Check Prime Number Or Not Prime Number in VB.NET. 3. Input five Numbers find out Highest & Second Highest Number in VB.NET.(Highest Number Prime Or not & up to Second Highest Number calculate Fibonacci series) 4. Number of Vowels,Consonants,Spaces,Digits,Special Symbols in VB.Net. 5. Count Words in String in VB.NET | Check String is Palindrome in VB.NET | Count words starts from “a” character. 6. Simple Logic Palindrome in VB.Net.(Accept a string from user & check String is Palindrome Or not without use inbuilt Reverse Function) 7. Calculator using Combo Box in VB.NET.(The combo box has options like ‘+’, ‘-’,’*’ and ‘/’. According to user’s choice From combo result will display in label) 9. Restrict a TextBox To Input Only Digits in VB.NET. 8. Income Tax Calculator in VB.NET. 10. Two drop down lists one for country name and another for President ...

Working with Variables, Constants, Data types and Expressions in VB.NET

1. Simple interest and Compound interest in VB.NET.(textboxes and radio button that calculate interest) 2. Convert the Celsius to Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit to Celsius in VB.NET. 3. Loan calculator using Pmt function in VB.NET. 4. Concatenate first and last name in VB.NET. 5. Calculate area of particular shape in VB.NET. 6. Linking One Form To Another Form in VB.NET.(On clicking submit button, display inputted data on a label with proper formatting.) 7. Convert integer value into double in VB.NET. 8. Calculate area of circle and use pi value as constant in VB.NET. 9. Convert measurement in Miles, Yards, Feet and Inches to a metric measurement in kilometers, meters and centimeters in VB.NET. 10. Convert Rupees to Dollar & Dollar to Rupees value in VB.NET.