Kotlin while Loop
The while loop is used to iterate a part of program several time. Loop executed the block of code until the condition has true. Kotlin while loop is similar to Java while loop.
//body of loop
Example of while Loop
Let's see a simple example of while loop printing value from 1 to 5.
fun main(args: Array
var i = 1
while (i<=5){
Kotlin Infinite while Loop
The while loop executes a block of code to infinite times, if while condition remain true.
For example:
fun main(args: Array
while (true){
println("infinite loop")
infinite loop
infinite loop
infinite loop
infinite loop
infinite loop
infinite loop
infinite loop
infinite loop
infinite loop
1 Write a shell script to execute following commands 1. Sort file abc.txt and save this sorted file in xyz.txt 2. Give an example of : To execute commands together without affecting result of each other. 3. How to print “this is a three –line 1. Text message” 4. Which command display version of the UNIX? 5. How would u get online help of cat command? echo “sorting the file” sort abc.txt > xyz.txt echo “executing two commands” who ; ls echo “this is \n a three-line \n Text message” # use -e option if required echo “The version is `uname -a`” echo “Help of cat command” man cat 2 Write a shell script to execute following commands 1. How would u display the hidden files? 2. How delete directory with files? 3. How would user can do interactive copying? 4. How would user can do interactive deletion of files? 5. Explain two functionality of “mv” command with example? echo “1. How would u display the hidden files” echo “2. How delete directory with files” echo...
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