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Building an simple application in the environment with form, textbox, label, numeric up down and button Working with Variables, Constants, Data types and Expressions Decision Making, Repetition and multiple forms Menus,common Dialogs,Procedures,Functions and Arrays in VB.NET Object Oriented Programming in VB.NET Advanced Controls in VB.NET

Decision Making, Repetition and multiple forms in VB.NET

1. fibonacci series simple logic | Fibonacci series up to 100 | Fibonacci series in VB.NET. 2. Prime Number in VB.NET.| Check Prime Number Or Not Prime Number in VB.NET. 3. Input five Numbers find out Highest & Second Highest Number in VB.NET.(Highest Number Prime Or not & up to Second Highest Number calculate Fibonacci series) 4. Number of Vowels,Consonants,Spaces,Digits,Special Symbols in VB.Net. 5. Count Words in String in VB.NET | Check String is Palindrome in VB.NET | Count words starts from “a” character. 6. Simple Logic Palindrome in VB.Net.(Accept a string from user & check String is Palindrome Or not without use inbuilt Reverse Function) 7. Calculator using Combo Box in VB.NET.(The combo box has options like ‘+’, ‘-’,’*’ and ‘/’. According to user’s choice From combo result will display in label) 9. Restrict a TextBox To Input Only Digits in VB.NET. 8. Income Tax Calculator in VB.NET. 10. Two drop down lists one for country name and another for President ...

Working with Variables, Constants, Data types and Expressions in VB.NET

1. Simple interest and Compound interest in VB.NET.(textboxes and radio button that calculate interest) 2. Convert the Celsius to Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit to Celsius in VB.NET. 3. Loan calculator using Pmt function in VB.NET. 4. Concatenate first and last name in VB.NET. 5. Calculate area of particular shape in VB.NET. 6. Linking One Form To Another Form in VB.NET.(On clicking submit button, display inputted data on a label with proper formatting.) 7. Convert integer value into double in VB.NET. 8. Calculate area of circle and use pi value as constant in VB.NET. 9. Convert measurement in Miles, Yards, Feet and Inches to a metric measurement in kilometers, meters and centimeters in VB.NET. 10. Convert Rupees to Dollar & Dollar to Rupees value in VB.NET.

Building an simple application in the environment with form, textbox, label, numeric up down and button in VB.NET

1. On clicking of button your name in textbox to display into label in VB.NET.(one textbox,label,button in VB.NET) 2. On the click of button back color of form will be changed in VB.NET(Three Button Red, green and blue,on the click of red button back color of form will be changed to red and so on.) 3. Calculator in VB.NET.(Design interface of simple calculator) 4. Numeric up down in VB.NET.(it shows only even numbers from 1 to 50) 5. Change Background Color by FromArgb function in VB.NET.(one label,three numeric updown) 6. On clicking left button, alignment of textbox should be changed in VB.NET.(one textbox,three button)

Decision Making, Looping, String, Array, Wrapper Classes in JAVA Examples

  1. Print even number up to 10 using while loop.   2. Check whether the given number is even or odd.   3. Calculator using switch statement.   4. Create an array to store 5 integer values and display the array Elements in reverse order.   5. Print Prime Numbers contained by the Array in JAVA.   6. Store Six Random characters in Array & copy 2 to 4 index values to another Array with same index.   7. Sort a Integer Array.   8. A String Display each character on separate line in Reverse order in JAVA.(accepts a string from users and display each character on separate line in reverse order in JAVA)   9. Sort a String Array in JAVA.(Create a string array and sort all the string contained by the array in JAVA) 10. Palindrome String in JAVA.(check whether the string is a palindrome or not in JAVA.) 11. Manipulating Character in JAVA.(UpperCase | isLowercase | toUppercase | toLowerCase | isLetterOrDigit | isWhitespace in JAVA) 12. Ar...

Java Introduction, Operator, Objects, Methods Examples

1. Calculate the hypotenuse of right angled triangle when other sides of the triangle are given in JAVA. 2. Evaluate simple interest of a given principle, rate and time in JAVA. 3. Find maximum of two numbers without using third variable in JAVA. 4. Using the arithmetic operators to perform algebraic operations on two numbers in JAVA. (Algebraic operation is +, - , *, /, %) 5. Calculate the area of square and rectangle by overloading the area method in JAVA. 6. Display powers of 2 i.e. 2,4,8,16 etc up to 1024 using bitwise operators in JAVA. 7. Scan 3 integer values from the user and display the minimum Number in JAVA. 8. Convert Inches to Centimeters in JAVA. 9. Complex Number in JAVA. 10. Constructor in JAVA.(Create a one sub class object and call four constructor in JAVA)


  1. Print Hello word in JAVA.   2. Convert Boolean object to boolean primitive in Java.   3. Convert Boolean object to String object in Java.   4. Convert boolean Primitive to Boolean object in Java.   5. Convert byte to Byte object Example.   6. Convert Byte object to String object in Java.   7. Convert Byte to numeric primitive data types in Java.   8. Convert double to Double object Example in Java.   9. Convert Double to numeric primitive data types in Java. 10. Convert Double object to String object in Java. 11. Convert String Object to Boolean Object in Java. 12. Convert String to primitive byte in Java. 13. Convert String to Byte in Java. 14. Convert String to Double in Java. 15. Java Double compare example. 16. Java Double Example. 17. Java Double isNaN method example. 18. Convert Java Float Object to String Object Example. 19. Convert Java Float to Numeric Primitive Data Types Example. 20. Convert Java String to F...